Thursday, November 13

Bal diwas!

Like in a dead conversation where you wouldn't mind breaking the silence even with the worst of jokes, I would like to break the silence here with an Uber-bad joke:

Q> What was the name of Pavarotti's mistress??
A> Missi-roti

Go on, kill me.

Inquilab zindabad!!! :D

Friday, June 13

अनेकता में एकता


If amongst the 365 days that we spend bickering, sabre-rattling, haranguing, wounding and killing each other around the world, we select one day to remember our one-ness..

If we realise that those petty plots of the most prized possession of humans, land, is nothing but one large living entity with a mind of its own...

If we digest the simple fact that long before we humans were here, this planet was one and hopefully by the time we are done, it shall remain the same...

If we don't feel the need spend so much of our intelligence, our creativity, our passion and our toil on competing with others who are our own.

Forget just your neighbours. Imagine, if the whole world was one!

I am unable to imagine beyond a point.
I am unable to dream what seems unachievable.

But, I am ready to try.

It started with Pangea. It shall end with the same.

The video is that of Kenyans singing the Indian national Anthem to mark Pangea Day. There are other similar renditions (as related videos).

It sounds anything but discordant to me, the sounds of one-ness.

Pangea day is a phenomenal concept. Understand it. I have just begun to try.

Sunday, June 1

Oh no you don't!

10 Months is more than enough, don't you think?
