Then our dear li’l angel starts demanding. “Waaaaaaahhhh!!! I want snoopy theme or Tom & jerry theme. I want that Space gun/Birthday Barbie/Thunderbird plane.” etc. The loving parent succumbs to the child’s endearing pranks. Well, most do. But some, like my father, don’t. The best time for having birthdays is when you’re going to school. The whole day seemed special. Right from the second you jumped of your bed (not stumbled of it as usual), it was your day and nothing could get in the way of that. And why wouldn’t it seem so? You will be the only person in the whole class wearing civilian clothing (picked with gingerly care over the past few weeks); you would be distributing toffees to your mates and getting smiles from teachers. I remember one particular birthday (class 8 or so). One bitch of a teacher punished me (made me & other ‘criminals’ in the front of the class) for not brining my textbook. And this after I gave her a toffee!! My classmates were scandalized!! How can a teacher do this to their friend on his birthday!!?? In retrospective, it seems normal. But at age 13, the most important day on your calendar was your birthday (Hmmm, maybe it was because it was my 13th birthday… hmmmmm.). Adolescence also brings in that tremor of hope, during the distribution of chocolates, of having eye contact or a warm handshake from that ‘certain someone’. Of course, all these years, the school will be followed by a nice party at your house in which the guest list would actually comprise your friends.
These school years seem to be a very crucial stage in deciding how a person perceives birthdays for the rest of his/her life. From my VAST experiences in books, movies & TV serials (obviously… what else would I have experience in?), I draw the following conclusions:
- If a child has had fairy-tale birthdays around this time and he is unsuccessful later in his/her life, s/he hates birthdays.
- If a child has had fairy-tale birthdays around this time and s/he is successful in his/her life, birthdays are still a time to rejoicing and togetherness.
- If an unfortunate child rarely experienced birthdays around this time and s/he is successful in life, birthdays are used more a social do than anything else (Mambo No.5!!).
- And finally, If an unfortunate child rarely experienced birthdays around this time and s/he is unsuccessful in life, s/he wouldn’t remember which day is his/her birthday.
So, here I am sitting in an awkward position on my chair trying to complete this post before I go to sleep (on my belly, of course), wondering what lies ahead for me today (3 classes and a lab are amongst them). I have received many wishes (including some touching ‘status messages’) which wish me a great day and an equally joyous life. But I wish all my readers (irrespective of their birth dates) a great day 40-50 years down the line, when we are at the twilight of our lives. May you be surrounded by loved ones and an aura of a life well lived. I wish this with all my heart for all your birthdays.
Signing off with some snaps:
1>3rd bday;
2>10th bday;
3>16th bday(1st yr)
and finally 4>21st bday's beginning