Saturday, July 8


Here is the history of medicine.

"I have a sore throat."

2000 BC : "eat this root"

1200 AD : "That root is heathen, say this prayer."

1500 AD : "That prayer is superstition, drink this elixir."

1800 AD : "That elixir is snake oil, Take this pill."

1900 AD : "That pill is ineffective, Take this antibiotic."

2000 AD : "That antibiotic is artificial, Here why dont you eat this root."


a said...

so true ;D

if u wanna go deep, you should see the number of allopathic drugs prepared from plant sources these days..
u must be knowing that
many anticancer substances, skin creams, pain killers, antacids...use plant derivatives

Anonymous said...

good one :)

Puckpan said...
