If amongst the 365 days that we spend bickering, sabre-rattling, haranguing, wounding and killing each other around the world, we select one day to remember our one-ness..
If we realise that those petty plots of the most prized possession of humans, land, is nothing but one large living entity with a mind of its own...
If we digest the simple fact that long before we humans were here, this planet was one and hopefully by the time we are done, it shall remain the same...
If we don't feel the need spend so much of our intelligence, our creativity, our passion and our toil on competing with others who are our own.
Forget just your neighbours. Imagine, if the whole world was one!
I am unable to imagine beyond a point.
I am unable to dream what seems unachievable.
But, I am ready to try.
It started with Pangea. It shall end with the same.
The video is that of Kenyans singing the Indian national Anthem to mark Pangea Day. There are other similar renditions (as related videos).
It sounds anything but discordant to me, the sounds of one-ness.
Pangea day is a phenomenal concept. Understand it. I have just begun to try.
Human beings evolved over 10,000 years, forming a better definition of territory - which means I won't snatch your food, your land, your wife! out of instinct. Because I have learnt to respect that it is YOURS.
Fellows like John Lennon and this Pangea (is he a guy ?) want us to DE-evolve and think of a world 'where all live as one'.
Thats what is Bullsh*t
hey! you become the American Definition of a Commie!
the thing is this is so obvious when one says it, then i guess some part of us takes over and we lose all perspective and go for myopic decisions....a guy called james lovelock came up with the gaia concept...also used by asimov in his foundation novels...worth a look up.
An SF take on pangea i think...
when we read such posts, our thoughts come to the baseline :)
we smile ! the day goes on, we piece out.
we start building walls. that dont exist.
then push the wall over to the other side, fight for land, identity, snatch, fight.
at the end of it, your mind goes like, "dude where's the wall"
then one person like you and gives us some gyaan and takes us to the baseline.
who said evolution is for good ? :)
update !!!!!!!!! i need my brainstorming !
one more thing :
what do u mean by
'forming a better definition of territory which means I won't snatch your food, your land'
is that why neighbors still fight ??? after forming neat boundaries on the world map in 1947-48 ?
the snatching STARTS only when u lose oneness. think. it's true
Iyer: "Fellows like John Lennon and this Pangea (is he a guy ?) want us to DE-evolve and think of a world 'where all live as one'." ?? Really?
Do me a favour. Read the post.
And as for the discussion on evolution, this is the way evolution will progress further. We were animals who hunted in packs and now have individuals in our species selling us soaps and shampoos. That's evolution into a complex social structure. This is, but, the next logical step. May not be digestible to the time frame your mind's capable of handling, but I'm sorry to say, that does not make a difference to evolution.
Aditya: I would rather not attach importance to an american definition of anything.
Sandy: This is not Sci-fi, it seems to be Soc-fi (Social fiction) :P
aarthi: Chill! :) And good points there.. One post on evolution put into the incubator now :)
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