Friday, March 30

Wordly Cup

I like this world cup venue.

I like the audience too.

I can't stop thanking the cameramen!


Wednesday, March 14

Bhordly Bhise...

So I began:

Late to bed and Early to rise,
makes a man squirmy, sulky and riled.

Then my PJ protege added:

Late to bed and Early to rise,
more one fails, the less one tries.

The yield of a chat between me and Sandy (now onwards its a state of constant flux):

Late to bed and Early to rise,
all day in office he just sits and cries.

Late to bed and Early to rise,
day-in and day-out he just sits and whines.

Late to bed and Early to rise,
all day in office he doodles strange signs.

Late to bed and Early to rise,
day-in and day-out gulps bottles of wine.

And the bottomline:

Late to bed and Early to rise,
is story eternal, thine and mine.

I LOVE the fact that we get paid to do this!!! :D :D :D

Saturday, March 10

Baby steps..

What makes people ask babies to just walk and not run? What makes them express surprise when the baby suddenly wobbles and runs or jumps, in imitation of the giants around it?

I started to write and realised that there is nothing I can say here that can make any difference. No more cribbing.

Acta non Verba